Oliver Fire Protection & Security Receives Visit From Local Fire Alarm Enthusiast

Mann, a 23-year-old volunteer for the Uwchlan Ambulance Corps in Chester County, PA has an impressive collection of Fire Alarm equipment. Mann, who has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum, visited Oliver Fire Protection and Security on December 5th to spend some time with our experts. We sat down with Alex to discuss his love of all things Fire Alarm as well as the projects that are close to his heart.

Fire Safety Tips During Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, we are all looking forward to getting together with family and friends to celebrate. A fun tradition that we all enjoy doing is decorating for the winter holidays, but decorations can increase your risk of a fire at home. As you deck your halls, follow these few simple tips to help make your holidays fire safe.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires resulting in over 1160 incidents, a 297% increase over the daily average.

Keeping Cooking Safety Top of Mind This Thanksgiving

Article by Dale Grant – Marketing Specialist We all have Thanksgiving traditions that we look forward to. For some it’s sitting down to enjoy New York’s iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. There are the more masochistic among us who will enjoy an early morning 5k Turkey Trot or rooting for the New York Giants. For […]

Importance of Sprinkler Escutcheons

Article by Tom Morrow – Inspections Sales Manager While many people believe that sprinkler escutcheons are just for aesthetics and serve no real purpose, they are actually very important and necessary components to help your sprinkler system function as designed. When a sprinkler system is installed, a hole is cut in the ceiling or wall […]