In 1996, NFPA 13 began to require quick response fire sprinkler heads as opposed to standard response in many newly systems. But what is the difference?
In 1996, NFPA 13 began to require quick response fire sprinkler heads as opposed to standard response in many newly systems. But what is the difference?
Deluge systems are typically utilized in high hazard environments such as power plants, chemical plants and aircraft hangars. Such high hazard environments typically have low flash point flammable and/or combustible liquids present, and a fire can spread rapidly.
Winter weather leaves many business owners and property managers focused on preparing their properties for the colder months. While winterization often involves tasks such as insulating pipes and checking heating systems, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the inspection of the building’s fire sprinkler system. The winter season brings unique challenges that can compromise the effectiveness of these life-saving systems, making it imperative to ensure they are in top-notch condition.
Article by Dale Grant – Marketing Specialist We all have Thanksgiving traditions that we look forward to. For some it’s sitting down to enjoy New York’s iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. There are the more masochistic among us who will enjoy an early morning 5k Turkey Trot or rooting for the New York Giants. For […]
Article by Tom Morrow – Inspections Sales Manager While many people believe that sprinkler escutcheons are just for aesthetics and serve no real purpose, they are actually very important and necessary components to help your sprinkler system function as designed. When a sprinkler system is installed, a hole is cut in the ceiling or wall […]
Healthcare Facilities range from large high-rise buildings with both short-term and full-time residential facilities to outpatient care clinics. While the structures may be different, the fundamentals of fire safety remain the same
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