August 06 2024 0Comment

Ensuring Campus Safety: The Role of Modern Security Systems in Clery Act Compliance

Article by Dale Grant – Marketing Coordinator

There is a reason why high school graduation is such a celebrated event. While the culmination of their years of academic labor is definitely something worth commemorating, the real celebration is the beginning of the transition from childhood to adulthood. For many, dipping their toes into the adult word comes with their first taste of independence, going off to college. 

For many, living on campus is the first foray into living away from home. Which, while exciting for students can be terrifying for parents whose first thoughts run to “what could go wrong.” Afterall, the internet is full of horror stories of parties filled with drinks, drugs and sex and these are the “best case scenario” worries, not to mention the much more sinister things that can befall the young and naïve, which haunt parent’s nightmares, like the very real events that befell Jeanne Clery, a 19-year-old Lehigh University freshman who was tragically murdered in her campus residence hall in 1986.

These horrible events would eventually lead to the 1990 Clery Act, a federal statute meant to ensure transparency around campus crime policy and statistics.

Key Requirements of the Clery Act

  1. Annual Security Report (ASR): Institutions must publish an annual report every October 1st, detailing campus crime statistics for the past three years, security policies, and procedures.
  2. Crime Statistics: Schools are required to disclose crime statistics for incidents occurring on campus, in campus housing, on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus, and in certain non-campus buildings or properties.
  3. Timely Warnings: Institutions must issue timely warnings for any Clery Act crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.
  4. Emergency Notifications: Colleges and universities must have procedures to immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to their health or safety.
  5. Campus Security Policies: The Act mandates the inclusion of policies regarding campus security, such as law enforcement authority, security of and access to campus facilities, and practices to encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and appropriate law enforcement agencies.
  6. Daily Crime Log: Institutions with campus police or security departments must maintain a public crime log of all reported crimes.
  7. Fire Safety Report: For institutions with on-campus student housing, an annual fire safety report detailing fire safety practices and standards is required.
  8. Missing Student Notification: Policies for notifying the appropriate authorities when a student residing in on-campus housing is determined to be missing.

How Modern Security Systems Help Universities Stay Compliant

Modern security systems play a crucial role in helping universities meet the requirements of the Clery Act. Here are some ways advanced technology supports compliance:

  1. Surveillance Cameras: High-definition surveillance cameras strategically placed around campus help monitor and record activities, providing valuable evidence for crime reporting and enhancing the overall security of the campus environment.
  2. Access Control Systems: These systems regulate who can enter specific buildings and areas on campus, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access. This helps prevent unauthorized entry and enhances the safety of students and staff.
  3. Emergency Notification Systems: Modern emergency notification systems enable institutions to quickly disseminate alerts via text messages, emails, and other communication channels. This ensures timely warnings and emergency notifications reach the entire campus community promptly.
  4. Incident Reporting Software: Advanced software solutions allow for the efficient reporting, tracking, and management of incidents. This streamlines the process of compiling crime statistics and generating the Annual Security Report.
  5. Automated Daily Crime Logs: Security systems can automatically update and maintain a daily crime log, ensuring accuracy and ease of access for the campus community and law enforcement agencies.
  6. Integration with Law Enforcement: Modern security systems can be integrated with local law enforcement databases and communication networks, facilitating better coordination and response to incidents.
  7. Fire Alarm and Safety Systems: Advanced fire alarm systems, along with regular inspections and maintenance, ensure compliance with fire safety reporting requirements. These systems also contribute to the overall safety of campus housing.

Compliance with the Clery Act requires a robust security infrastructure and a proactive approach to campus safety. Advanced security systems are integral to this effort, enhancing the effectiveness of comprehensive training, effective communication, regular audits, and collaboration with local law enforcement. By leveraging these technologies, educational institutions can create a safer environment for their communities, fulfilling legal obligations and fostering a culture of security and trust. Ensuring compliance not only demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of students, faculty, and staff but also highlights the critical role modern security systems play in achieving this goal effectively.

For more information regarding the Clery Act, please visit