Article by Isaiah Lewis-Harris
With summer coming to a close and the days becoming shorter, the need for security at properties increases. Studies have shown that criminals tend to act at night under the moonlight. Having the proper security equipment can help deter any unwanted guest from entering your business.

Video surveillance is a key way to deter someone from committing a crime. “60 percent of most burglars will choose another target if they find alarms or cameras, according to a study from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology”. A criminal’s main focus is trying to not be detected during a crime. When you have “someone” watching over your business while you’re gone for the night you can ensure that your business is going to be safe. Camera manufacturers have gotten a step ahead of criminals by making vandal resistant cameras that are resistant to any kind of damage. These vandal proof cameras have an outer dome that has an IK10 rating which means the glass can withstand the blunt force from a hammer. It also has vandal proof screws that you need a special screwdriver for, so taking the camera down and unplugging it is a thing of the past. These two elements of the camera will make sure that you will get a “picture perfect” view of the person if they are trying to destroy the camera in anyway.
Let Oliver Fire Protection & Security make sure that your business stays safe and protected. Our professionals are ready to put you and your business first. Call for a free quote today!