With COVID surging and the Holidays approaching, many businesses will be closed and unoccupied for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, that can prove to be opportunistic for those with bad intentions.
Following these security tips and best practices can help to keep your business safe and secure during the holiday season.
- Review your company security policy with all of your employees.
Now is a good time to review your company security policy with all of your employees to confirm everyone is on the same page, including the company cyber security policy, especially if employees are going to be working remotely over the holidays or due to COVID.
- Test all of your security equipment.
If your business will be closed for an extended period of time, test your intrusion alarms, security cameras, access control, and any other security or life safety systems so you know they’re working and reporting properly. Doing this gives you an opportunity to make any needed adjustments or repairs, and peace of mind that your business is protected. Notify your monitoring provider of any changes as well and update the call list if needed.
- Make sure your facility is properly locked down before you leave.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but if you’ll be gone for an extended period of time, check every exterior door to make sure they’re locked and secured prior to departing.
If you have an access control system, make sure any schedules set to automatically open doors on specific days and times are overridden. Now is also a good time to review access levels to see who is allowed where and when, and adjust access privileges as needed.

- Ensure decorations don’t obstruct security systems.
If you put up decorations for the holidays, take into consideration where you put them so they don’t obstruct security cameras or trip motion detectors causing false alarms. Better yet, take them down before you leave.
- Check inside and outside lighting
It’s important that the inside and outside of your business are well-lit. If you’ll be gone for an extended period of time, consider using timers that randomly turn lights on and off so it gives the appearance that your facility is occupied even when you’re closed.
- Be aware of what can be seen through the windows of your business.
When you’re closed during the holidays, be aware of what can be seen inside your business from the outside, such as merchandise, equipment, or other high-value items near the windows.
- Unplug all unnecessary devices.
Prior to leaving for an extended period of time, unplug anything that isn’t required to be on or running while you’re closed, such as space heaters, coffee makers, vending machines, etc.

- Ask neighboring businesses to keep an eye out.
Although you may be closing during the holidays, your neighboring businesses may not be. Consider asking them to keep an eye on your facility and contact your local law enforcement to notify them of your holiday hours, so they may be more alert of any suspicious activity.
- Don’t “advertise” that you will be closed
Instead, post a sign that says, “Please call for holiday hours” or use an automated voice or email response across the business to inform the sender that a response will be forthcoming. Then designate a member of your staff to respond to these inquiries.
- Take precautions to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting.
With the cold weather upon us, the risk of pipes freezing and bursting increases. Set your thermostat to at least 55 degrees while your business is closed. Consider getting a low-temperature sensor or water sensors that can notify you through your security system when interior temperatures have dropped too low or when water is present from burst pipes or leaks.
Looking for a security provider that can help you secure your business during the holidays and beyond? Contact Oliver Fire Protection & Security today (610)277-1331.