Your Trusted Partner in Protection
Fire Extinguishers are your first line of defense in the occurrence of fires that are contained to small areas. They are an invaluable aid in preventing a fire incident from escalating and to assist in your planned emergency response actions until the fire department arrives.
They are guided by the regulations within NFPA 10 – Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers and your local AHJ. Code requires these devices to be inspected annually by a certified technician.
Oliver Fire Protection & Security can provide you with quality inspections, service and installation solutions to keep your commercial fire extinguishers up to date and operating properly for when you need them most.
Commercial Fire Extinguishers
Classifications and Applications:
Class A: For use with Ordinary Combustibles
Class A fire extinguishers are designed to combat fires fueled by ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, cloth, rubber and many plastics.
These fire extinguishers work by cooling the flames and removing heat, while suffocating the fire to prevent further spread and damage.
Class B: For use with Combustible and Flammable Liquids
Class B fire extinguisher is designed to combat fires fueled by flammable liquids and gases like gasoline, propane, oil, grease, alcohols and oil-based paint solvents.
These fire extinguishers work by smothering the fire and interrupting the chemical reaction, effectively extinguishing the flames and preventing re-ignition.
Class C: For use with Electrical Equipment
Class C fire extinguishers are specifically engineered to combat fires involving energized electrical equipment.
These fire extinguishers operate by disrupting the electrical conductivity of the fire, effectively extinguishing it without posing a risk of electric shock to the operator.
Class D: For use with Flammable Metals
Class D fire extinguishers are designed to tackle fires fueled by combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, lithium, potassium and sodium.
They work by smothering the fire with a dry powder agent, depriving it of oxygen and heat to suppress combustion.
Class K: For use with Cooking Oils & Fats
Class K fire extinguishers are specifically engineered to combat fires involving cooking oils, fats, and grease, common in commercial kitchens.
It utilizes a special wet chemical agent to cool the fire and create a foam blanket, effectively extinguishing the flames.
Combine Your Fire Services
Ask our representatives about combining your next fire extinguisher services along with your fire sprinkler and fire alarm inspections to save time and money. Contact us by CLICKING HERE